From Disciples to Disciplers series

Thanks for clicking this page. I’ll make it worth your while. First, let me give you the quick sales pitch, and then you can move on to the vital info below:

“This isn’t a fix everything and everyone series. . . . This is a realistic series, meeting each person where he/she is and equipping each person to grow in his/her relationship with God, and, as an outflow, with others. . . . [This] series doesn’t just grow disciples…it guides disciples to disciple others just as God intends.”—Susan Lawrence, author, Pure Purpose

“You’re going to love . . . From Disciples to Disciplers. Here’s why: The purpose of the . . . series is to allow your group to jump into whatever ‘season’ your group’s at in its path of spiritual formation . . . . The best of both worlds: engaging and knowledgeable!”—Stephanie Caro,

All six seasons are also available on Amazon (and elsewhere); visit my Amazon author page here for more details. And leave a review if you like it, for that matter. 🙂

From Disciples to Disciplers is more than a series of Bible studies—it’s a progression that will take you and your group from becoming disciples of Jesus to becoming disciplers of others in Jesus. As you move through each season, you’ll grow from the inside out—and as you grow, your life in Jesus will naturally expand and branch out to others in your world. And here’s the best part: As you grow out together, you’ll realize how much you’re already discipling others—starting with each other!

From Disciples to Disciplers is designed to allow you and your group jump in where it’s most appropriate. To help you discover your entry point, here are descriptions of each season (and links to your nearest paperback version):

Season 1 coverSeason 1: Growing in Jesus focuses on developing your relationship with Jesus. Because, let’s face it, the first person you have to disciple is yourself. More to the point, you need to learn how to let Jesus show you how to be His disciple. So in this season, we focus on your relationship with Jesus and how to deepen it through spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, Bible study… and, not least of all, your relationships with other Christians (such as the ones you’re sitting with).

Season 2 coverAfter you’ve been grounded in your relationship with Jesus, how does that shine into the rest of your life? That’s where Season 2: Growing in Character comes in. This season focuses on how you can invite Jesus into your most important relationships—your family, friends, the people you work with—and how to keep Jesus at the center of all of them.

Season 3 coverSeason 3: Growing in Your Gifts focuses on discovering the gifts, talents, and passions God has given you and how God might want to use them to serve others—whether that’s inside or outside your church walls. After this season, you’ll have a better sense of who God has created you to be, and why.

If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve developed and deepened your walk with Jesus, you’ve learned how to actually live it out among those people you most care about, and you’ve begun to discover how God has uniquely built you. Now: How do you take what God’s shown you, and help others walk through the same process?

Season 4 coverIf you’ve completed Seasons 1 through 3, you should already know the answer—because it’s exactly what you’ve been doing with your group. And with that, you’re ready for Season 4: Growing Others  Season 4 will help you reach out even further, and more deliberately. Call it mentoring, discipling, coaching, or just being a good Christian friend to someone who needs it… after Season 4, you’ll be ready to come alongside anyone who’s ready to have a deeper relationship with Jesus. Just like you in Season 1.

In the final two seasons, you’ll explore what it takes to lead others where God wants you and them to go next. Because as you’ve walked through the first four seasons, guess what? You’ve been growing. Others know it. And God is honoring it. So whether you see yourself that way or not, God has matured you to the point where you’re ready to lead. And we’re going to help you get more ready.

Season 5 coverSeason 5: Growing in Leadership focuses on how to stay functional even as you learn how to lead. You’ll walk together through the foibles of leadership—communication, conflict resolution, consensus-building, learning how to adjust your ministry, and learning to stay focused on God instead of “your ministry.”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd as you keep growing, God may well put things on your heart that you’ll need to be the one to initiate. That brings us, at last, to Season 6: Growing in Your Mission. God has given you a specific vision for ministry, and now you literally need to make the dream real. We’ll help walk you through the issues that come with a God-given vision. Things like: First of all, how do you know it really is God, and not just you? How do you get others on board (and praying—a lot)? And how will you keep growing, even as the vision continues to grow and take shape? Because, no matter where you are, you never stop growing. God will always see to that.

Enjoy From Disciples to Disciplers, and may God bless you as you grow together!

17 Responses to From Disciples to Disciplers series

  1. Pingback: Dallas Willard for Dummies… in the very best sense |

  2. Pingback: What Are YOUR Re-Reads? |

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  4. Pingback: Grow, Team! |

  5. Pingback: An Offer You Could Refuse… But Why WOULD You? | Lay It Down

  6. Pingback: It’s a New Day… because it HAS to be. | Lay It Down

  7. David Alves says:

    Looking forward to reviewing “Growing Others” and “Growing in Leadership.” Always helps to find publications written by people living the life. Blessings.

  8. Pingback: So, Now What? (or, help a Christian brother OUT!) | Lay It Down

  9. Pingback: Who We Are, Where We’re Going, and How We Get There | Lay It Down

  10. Pingback: What Are Your Re-Reads (revisited)? | Lay It Down

  11. Pingback: Once More into the Breach | Lay It Down

  12. Pingback: How I Spent My All-Too-Extended Vacation: Final Chapter | Lay It Down

  13. Pingback: Getting Back into the Gap | Lay It Down

  14. Pingback: The Missing Link in the Church | Lay It Down

  15. Pingback: From Disciples to Disciplers: reunited and ready for your consideration | Lay It Down

  16. Dale says:

    Where can I find the DVD?

    • Sorry Dale, no DVD (which I was never a fan of even as a developer of other people’s studies, as they put the focus on the speaker and take it off the people sitting next to you). Just book and/or Kindle.

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